Fun Fit 5K Plus

Having fun, getting fit, loving life

Our Special Day

on July 12, 2012


Happy Birthday, Bekki!
(That’s my twin)

It’s kind of bitter sweet to celebrate today because Bekki and the family are packing up to go back to Australia.
We are all sad to see them go.
(Our time together has been well spent with lots of gatherings and parties and food and laughs and hugs and books and discussions…)

My twin has always been my best friend and accomplice.
She has inspired me to be healthier, more prayerful, to be proactive in reaching out to family and those in need and has always encouraged me to go after what I want.
She is someone everyone instantly loves.
Someone I admire greatly.

I can’t imagine not being a twin.
Not sharing those everyday moments and laughs that come later when discussing situations before bed.
The trouble we got into.
The parties we planned.
The trips taken.
All of that love shared with each other and family and friends.

The always “being connected” to someone.
“Here are the twins.”
“Where is Bekki?”
“How is Bekki doing?”
“Aren’t you one of the twins?”
Always the connection that has linked us since the womb.
This deeper bond.

We each married someone who has a similar personality to our twin!
Kind of funny how that worked out.

And though we are divided by an ocean, forever we will share the ultimate- our birth.

Happy happy birthday Bek!

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