Fun Fit 5K Plus

Having fun, getting fit, loving life

Can I Encourage You Today?



Today I was uninspired to write something original and I had a hard time putting into words what I am thankful for.

I think the winter weather pushing through has plugged up any of my creativity that may lie deep within, 

but I did open up a book Yolanda gave me that was so encouraging!

I thought I would share some quotes today that are from this book.

(If you would like to find this book, it’s appropriately called “Go For It!” And is put out by Hallmark.)

I recommend reading each one slowly and with a pause to reflect before moving on.

Some being more profound than others,

I hope there is something that connects with your inner drive.

(The ? means there was no name by the quote.)


“Starting over is the bravest kind of starting there is.” Dan Taylor


“Look at life’s challenges not as setbacks but as opportunities to discover who you are.” ?


“Your future doesn’t lie ahead of you, waiting to happen.  It lies deep inside of you, waiting to be discovered.” ?


“Act as if it were impossible to fail.” Dorothea Brande


“Get out there and give real help!

Get out there and love!  Get out there and testify!   

Get out there and create whatever you can to inspire people to claim their divine being.  

This is what has to be done now.

There is no time for dallying.”  Mother Teresa


10 Keys To Success:

-Believe when others doubt

-Learn while others loaf

-Decide while others delay

-Begin while others procrastinate

-Work while others wish

-Save while others spend

-Listen while others talk

-Smile while others scowl

-Commend while others criticize

-Persist when others quit.



Mid-Winter Spring


Yesterday and today we have experienced a mid-winter spring.

Beautiful temps just begging for outside time!

So 48. it really is an encouragement for me.
The sun and warmth had me feeling so great!
Breathing in the freshness of life.
It has been just lovely!

That being said, tonight we switch to snow!
Still…the weather has been glorious.

49. Coogee and Cooper and I went on a great stroll today.
Tender toes, they don’t like cold and wet so the past two days have been Heaven for them.
They want to go out and just sit on the grass, listening to life and sniffing the air.
I am happy they had a few wonderful days in the midst of winter.

50. Coogee met up with Barnaby on our walk!
Adorable Barnaby, her friend.
They had played together when younger and we hadn’t seen him for a while so it was a nice treat.
He is a black cocker spaniel, with a stub of a tail that was just wagging away today.
He now has some gray on his chin,
But is so sweet.

Coogee did not want to leave him.
She sat on the road, as I tried to make our way on.
She pulled to go back, but it was time to keep walking.
She finally relented.

Cooper liked Barnaby.
This was their first meeting.
But he was o.k. with continuing the walk.
I hope we see him again soon.

52. Jillian pulled me through again on today’s workout.
“Good abs don’t come for free people!”

53. Yolanda and I are going to start training for the annual 5k.
Our goal is to run the whole way.
We start Monday!
6:00 a.m.
I love having this goal.
I love joining a friend in the pursuit of health.

More moments to come…

54. For being able to laugh at myself… I am grateful.
Last night my parents and brother had dinner with us.
I had extended our table to include more seating, when it was time to make the table smaller, I was pushing it together and unknowingly caught my sweater in it.
So I move to stand up and realize I am stuck.
I struggled for a minute before able to pull the table back apart.
I look over and Brian is smiling at me.
He had seen it all.
Many of these graceful moments in our house.
I had to laugh as I do so often when I am caught in a weird spot.

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The Choices I Make


This is St. Louis’ finest.
Gooey Butter Cake.
Many stores and restaurants offer it,
But Brian and I love this one from
“J. Bucks!”
So delicious.
44. A big thank you to the makers of this melt-in-your-mouth dream of a dessert.

(If in St. Louis, I also would recommend Missouri Bakery for this treat among other very tasty goodies. )

This very gooey delight was shared between Brian and myself on Saturday.

Shared. So I actually don’t think that is as bad as devouring the whole thing.
Do I sound like I am trying to justify?

Yes, that is my guilt talking.

Now, this…

Key lime pie martini,
Well I would never share this!

45. I am thankful that I could stop after two of these.
I could keep going.
They are that scrumptious!

This beverage has inspired me to make my own and share it with others.
I love the creamy top, followed by a pineapple, key lime taste.
Truly the happiest martini around.

I had 2 of these on Saturday.
All on my own.
I knew I would pay.
I knew those calories would come back and bite me.
And yes they did.

I will never regret a Key Lime Pie Martini!
But…I should have got on the elliptical once home.

Today, the scale said
“Yeah. Those pounds you were down Saturday? Well…they came back.”

Only she wasn’t so kind.

I realize I am kind of beating myself up over these choices but,
In the beginning stages of working out and eating right
Willpower is everything.

One drink would have been plenty.

But…I am just going to move forward.

46. Thank God for fun. “Carry On.”
That song pushed me through the finish line this morning.
I was tired and grumpy.
(Thanks to the scale…ok my choices.)

I burned 235 calories and 40 carbs.
I didn’t want to.
I wanted to give up two minutes in.
But… That stubborn side of me spurred a fire in my spirit.

Rihanna and Beyonce helped out.
Song after song.
“Keep going.”
“Just a little longer.”

My goodness it was trying today.

47. I did it!
I made it.
Willpower at it’s most challenged.

So today.
It’s all about good choices.
Healthy ones.
Not giving in.
Finding that inner health nut.

For me,
That doesn’t mean eating tofu or drinking wheatgrass.
It means eating the right portion of healthier foods I like.

That along with working out will show results.

So, I want to encourage you to keep going.
Today is a new day.
A day for good choices and always a new beginning.

I am made for more than this.

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. ~Doug Larson

When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow is disease. ~Terri Guillemets


A Legendary Life, Remembered Today


Stan Musial, better known to his Cardinal fans as “Stan the Man”,
Passed away last Saturday.

He was not only a legendary ball player, but a true role model for all.

He was 92 and yet those touched by him wished for more time.


We arrived at Busch Stadium this morning just after 10:30 to pay tribute and wait for the family procession to his statue.

It was quiet, sunny and extremely cold.
We laid the flowers along with the many wonderful balloons and signs and memorabilia left as signs of love.

Truly a visible sign of not an ordinary life, but a well journeyed soul.

The stories you hear around the stadium are from you and me.
People walking around town,
That he took the time to make sure and not only greet but help them feel like they were “seen.”

A man,
A baseball player,
A husband,
A father,
A grandfather.
But most importantly a really nice guy.
Not stuck on himself like he could be.
He was that good!
But one that loved making people smile with his harmonica.


Elite, a Clydesdale, seemed to glide by with an air of strength and solemnity.


Elite stood shining with a radiant light
-was Stan shining his light down?

He was called hero and friend by so many.
His fans not to be held at a distance,
But up close.
A touch, a handshake or a hug was a normal treat for those who ran into him.

Stan was more legendary in life because of his humbleness.
His ability to stay connected to the City that held him in such high regard.
No matter how big his status pushed him to,
He would always be a local guy.

This was clearly seen and felt today.
From the city and fans that loved him so much.

We stood in the cold waiting for the sun to touch our toes.
I was convinced I had frostbite,
But we stood glued for hours because we wanted to be a part of this mans most honored tribute.

Before us a huge statue of Stan.
Glorious light finally warming my fingers and occasionally toes.

The people around us,
Our Cardinals families.
Sharing stories.
Each not willing to leave until we could share a moment with Stan’s family.


We shared The Lords Prayer.
Watching as the family each put a rose in the bronze vase at Stan’s feet.


As the family walked back to their cars to go on to the grave site,
A fan started singing
“Take Me Out To The Ballgame”
Where everyone eagerly and vigorously joined in.

I think Stan would be pleased with that.
It touched our hearts as so many teared up.

We watched as Jim Edmonds and other players walked past.
All paying tribute to this one man.


I can’t help but parallel his example to that of players today.
Do we have a “Stan Musial” out there today?
Humble, polite, reachable.
A true “man” not because he said he was.
He didn’t loudly shout
“I am a Christian,”
He just showed it.


We stayed til around 2:00,
Which was when we left for J. Bucks.
(Our favorite spot by the Stadium.)
My sis had chosen to wait there after freezing her toes off for about 40 minutes.
So, off we went to thaw completely and enjoy some good food and great company.
And of course my favorite martini.

Key Lime Pie Martini

We actually made the local television coverage since we were right up front.
We were on a nationwide broadcast also, but no close up shots.
(Thank God.)

Now home,
Watching the recorded and moving funeral Mass.
We are touched again by the many stories of how extraordinary he really was.

Stan had a large platform,
A wide audience
And he led with a quiet strength.

We may never have that kind of stage,
But we still have the same opportunity,
To lead with love.

We all can chose to live a legendary life.





Laugh In The Face Of Sweat

Sunrise at the Keller’s

Why can I never capture the exact colors of the sunrise on a photo?
There were some brilliant oranges mixed in with yellow.
Gorgeous !


I woke up early to get the dogs to the groomer and was sweetly surprised by these bright colors.
You know how it kind of takes your breath away?
I was also startled by the freezing temperature slapping me in the face.
God knew what I needed to wake up,
So He took the sting away with the inspiring sun rise.
37. I must say thanks for the undefinable glory in the morning sky. This goes to the greatest artist ever, Abba.

After dropping the babies off,
It was back home to work out.

38. I am grateful for our elliptical so that I don’t have to go to a gym.

Besides saving money, on a cold day like today it’s so nice to be home and not running from the car to building,
Building to car.


Today I worked off 213 plus calories on this machine. That’s 20 minutes between aerobic and fat burn the whole time.
39.This pace feels like running to me which is a bonus
because I have never been able to run even though I really want to.
Plus this is supposed to be safer on the knees.
I truly was smiling in the face of sweat today.
I had to push myself through those moments where my legs say ,
“No!!! I can’t !”
I think of Jillian saying,
“Yes you can!”
(O.k. So she is Yelling at me. )

If I can do this people,
You can too!
I mean I can be a bit dramatic at times and so I have to fight to get to my inner strength.
I think we all have it,
Sometimes it is buried but dig deep.
You will find it.
Get angry if you have to,
But keep going.

I can’t believe I have gotten to that point but I have.
It doesn’t mean it’s easy.
It is a fight each work out, but I close my eyes and shut out the world and move on.

Which leads me to
40. Channel 818 on Direct TV. My music. It’s called “Today’s Hottest Hits” and it works for me!
I tried a work out music channel and I just could not groove to it.

Maybe because I can sing along or I just like running to Taylor Swift,
But I love this channel for my elliptical mornings.

41. I am loving my water with lemon (or lime or other citrus fruit).


I have gone cold turkey with soda.
No more of that evil drink.
It is addicting and sweet and yummy but I can’t have it.
The carbonation is bad for you and bloats you up.
The sugar or sweetener is not only bad for you, but leaves you wanting more.
So… I am giving it up.
I will allow myself an occasional soda but only on rare occasions.

I find that my body bloats up and I will get into the habit of grabbing a can rather than grabbing some water.

So I am going through detox.
I don’t like the flavored waters and I do not want to drink a sparkling aka carbonated water.
I will fill my glass then refill once empty.
I am trying for my 8 glasses a day,
But that’s hard for me in general, drinking that much of anything.

I encourage you to put a lime in your water if you don’t like water.
You know,
When I go to the spa,
the water just looks delectable with the lemons and lime.
Plus it feels refreshing.
Why not create my own spa feeling?

42. I am grateful for the life of “Big Becky.”
Our first babysitter, she went to her eternal home this week.
She had been suffering for a long period of time with cancer.

My regret – I never went to tell her good-bye.
I have always had a hard time with this.
I would rather remember her as she was in my mind.
This is selfish of me,
But I really have a hard time and could never give last respects to my grandparents or my brother-in-law.
It’s just some kind of block that I can’t break right now.

So I remember the best part about her- her smile. I will never forget it.
Plus she made us something that we had never heard of (and still have never heard of people making)-
Fried crackers. Weird, right?
You take saltines and butter them and fry them.
We thought they were so good!
It was a treat for us.
(The things you think as a child!)
So funny to think about.

I hadn’t seen her in many years,
But she was a part of my youth etched into the good memory section.

I pray for her children, husband and family that they find comfort and peace.

43. For locks on doors, I am sooooo thankful!
Brian and I watched “The Following” last night.
Oh my gosh !
Kevin Bacon is in this new TV series and it is well done,
But scary!

Maybe I should say creepy.
I don’t know.

I had my hands over my eyes through a lot of it.
The premise is about a serial killer and his followers. How he doesn’t even have to be out in society to create havoc.
His followers can do it for him.

And it makes me worry that other crazy people out there will see this and get some odd ideas.

Anyway, it is different than any other show I have seen.
I was huddled in my chair, blanket to my chin.
If you want to watch a movie or show in peace, don’t watch with me.

I will watch it because I need to see the bad guys captured.
Let me know if you have seen it and what you think.

Ok I must move on now,
But have a great day and don’t forget to lock your doors and look in your car before getting in and oh don’t talk to strangers….


An Award Again- Humble Bow



Thank you to Ellie, who nominated me for this award!

Please check her site out, she is always providing informative posts that help you become a better person plus healthier!

There are so many great posts that I read and that inspire me.

So many of you providing me messages of love.

Just when I think, does it matter that I blog?

Thank you!

This is why it is so important to comment, 

because you never know how you reach people if you just “like” a page.

Though I am guilty of that often.

I want to share some new (to me) blogs that I am discovering and I hope that you will check them out.

They all deserve a good hand, 

great award and support as they pour their hearts and creativity out on the page.



T.G.I. Monday? Yes, Monday



Well…our “daughter” is back with her real mom.

I forgot to mention that Precious is the daughter of “Yo” (Yolanda) of Yomicfit.

We are in awe of the job that Yolanda has done as a mother.

How amazing to see a single mother bringing up such a beautiful young woman.

Precious was sure to encourage me and challenge me to work out with her,

she fed me positive words when I spoke of my insecurities, 

she shared her thanks for Brian and I,

and she helped us out in any way needed (spoken or non-spoken).

This can only be attributed to her role model mother.

We feel joy for the light that sparkles within mother and daughter.

Great job Yolanda!  

I had to catch up on sleep after a long weekend of late nights,

running to and fro the shops,

painting at an art shop,

eating and working out,

talking about boys and friends…

I was exhausted (in a good way)!

We had a blast and were happy to spoil Precious.

Everyone deserves to be pampered from time to time.

And let me tell you, I slept great last night!

This morning when I awoke,

I thought, 

“man, do I have to work out?”

Then I got on the scale and said, “Yes!”

So…off I went to the elliptical.

Today I am so grateful that

32. I pushed myself past the point of pain.

I wanted to give up.  I didn’t want to keep going.

I wanted to whine and cry.  “But I hurt.  But I feel like I am going to die!”

Yes, I can be quite dramatic.

And then I heard Jillian, “You can do it!  Keep going!  Don’t stop!”

She was yelling at me and I knew what she said was true.

I worked through the moments of desperation to get to determination!

Pain?  Who cares.  

Listen to the music and fight.  

I closed my eyes and shut out the monitor.

I just worked.

I burned over 200 calories on that machine this morning.

The morning where it would have been so easy to give up.


33.  Thank God for Jillian!

Her voice kept me going. 

Her mantras and I could see her looking at me with frustration when I wanted to give up.

“How did you get to this point?” she demanded.

I need to have these mental conversations to focus on the goal.

My strength has to come from a deep motivation.

 A motivation to really get serious and healthy.

For me, Jillian has become that voice for me.

The trainer I need.

The voice of motivation.

So, “thank you Jillian for the words of wisdom I have heard you provide to so many others, for it now encourages me!”


34.  For Healthy Cereal

My Maple & brown sugar mini-wheats tasted so good today!

I may even have them for lunch!

Some days it is the little things that really make your day.


35.  For Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his “I Have A Dream”, I am grateful.

First of all, he is a legend for the rights of humanity.

He will always remain a hero in my eyes for his strength and courage to use his voice and not his hands.

His ability to reach into the heart and open your eyes with language so beautiful, it still inspires me beyond tears.

His walk for freedom that should have never been needed.

His gift of wisdom that taught action speaks even louder when accompanied by love and compassion.

For the ultimate sacrifice made on behalf of the oppressed, 

and for the fact that I know he would do it again if given the choice.

“Take the first step in faith.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, 

just take the first step.”   Martin Luther King, Jr.


“A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness;

only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate;

only love can do that.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.


“A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.


36. Finally, Thank God It’s Monday!

Yes, Monday.  Because it’s another gift.  Another day here.

Another chance to love to the best of my ability.

Another chance to appreciate all of the gifts I have been given.

Because I am here today to experience life and all that it means.

I can use my senses to explore the world or ignore it.

I can go as far as I would like or stay in one spot.

I have choices and freedoms and love and goodness.

All in this one day.

Thank you God for every gift, especially the gift of today.





Precious Gifts


If you follow this blog,
You may know that Brian and I have a daughter for the weekend.
Her name is Precious and she is in her young teens.
We have known her all her life and we were excited at the prospect of having a girl!

Precious has been a blast!
So my thankfulness today is around the gifts she brings to our household.

27. For her politeness, I am so thankful.
The first time she said, “Can I help you with dishes?” I almost dropped the plate I was holding.
Please, thank you…that’s just the beginning.
“I don’t mind…”
“What would you like me to do?”
“Can I make you and Brian sausage and eggs?”
She makes her bed and throws her trash away.

I am so impressed.
When going out to eat, she asked for things politely.
Said thank you.
Smiled and addressed everyone in a kind manner.
Nothing fake, a sincere gentleness.

I don’t know why I was so taken by surprise, but I was.
Perhaps because it seems to be her natural self.
And for whatever reason I feel that comes with maturity and in my eyes she is still that little girl with braids and toothless grin.

28. For her patience with teaching me routines.
There is this song in the movie “Pitch Perfect” where the main character sings a song and does this cup routine,
Precious is teaching it to me.
It’s been fun for me
and funny for her watching me.

I have finally got it!
Now she wants me to sing-
Even though I don’t have much of a voice.
She doesn’t care.
We are supposed to perform for Brian once we have it.
It makes me laugh because no way could I look as cool as her while doing it…but it’s fun.

29. I am grateful for the opportunity for her to put trust in me.
To share stories or confidences knowing that I won’t tell her mom or anyone.
Knowing that I can listen and just be an adult ear.
How great!
It’s a glimpse of what I would want from my daughter. And what I know my friends could be for her (our future daughter) too.

30. For the chance to get out of my own self to care for a child.
Hopefully to show a good example or to lead in a positive way.
There is a fear in giving up your once mostly free to do as you please time for someone else.
But there is freedom in giving of yourself and putting aside your own wishes for theirs.
I mean its only for 3 1/2 days but still an adjustment of the mind.

31. I am thankful for knowing that my friends have raised their children to be good people!
Sweet and well mannered.
My best friends daughter is our Goddaughter and she is equally a kind soul. Not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings and sticking up for the underdog.
Her and Precious have known each other since they were young and I love getting them together!
Today we will all go shopping and hang out.
What a blast when you are with such wonderful people!

Oh the gifts that we have been given!


Good Thankful Morning


This morning
I woke with the doomed feeling.
“I have to work out.”
I am still trying to change my vocabulary to ” I am able!”

So…my second approach was
“Thank you for giving me strength.”
Thus beginning my gratefulness today.

22. For the time to workout, I am thankful.
I can get up at my leisure, take the dogs out and workout.
How freeing to know that at the moment I don’t have to schedule it into a crazy day.
This gift is unspeakable.
I like starting my morning off with a good 20 minute or longer session.
Mainly because I am not a morning person and need this to wrap my head around the fact that I need to get moving.
Not that I wake up enthusiastically ready,
Most often a bit grumpily.
Still…when I do it, I can then shower and begin a more active day.

23. A great variety of DVDs improve my chances of working out.
Today I did a 20 minute “Biggest Loser” workout.
I am so glad no one could watch me.
I was pathetic!!! I wasn’t crying or saying “I can’t do it!”
I was simply not where I have been before.
This is frustrating to me.
Brian and I completed P-90X years ago and I was so proud of that.
The things I could do then are not physically possible right now.
The workouts on the program I did today are designed to work with you.
As I progress I can choose tougher workouts.
The problem: I do not like the girl who was leading it. She is no Jillian!
She was reading off a prompter and I felt she was saying her bit as sluggishly as I felt.
This being said,
I love “Biggest Loser!”
It really encourages me to keep going and to move. The stories are what I consider “normal” or “average” families getting out of good habits and falling into bad patterns.
It happened to me. So…back up I get.
I will be able to workout at full steam in a few weeks.
So, thank God for variety otherwise I would get bored and give up.

24. My Daily Bread.


This morning I ate “Maple & Brown Sugar Mini-Wheats.”
Yum. A great alternate to my favorite cereal- “Peanut Butter Multi-Grain Cheerios!”
Delicious and nutritious.
How fantastic to be able to enjoy what you eat?!
I can’t imagine rice every day with maybe water, if I was lucky.
You know?
To live in a country where food can taste good and be healthy is a blessing.
I could cry knowing that there are people suffering malnutrition and here I am overweight.
By choosing health,
It is a nod to the hungry in a special way. (Realizing I should help them in other ways too, of course. )
I can’t take this great opportunity and throw it away.
The bonus is that we have tasty choices.

25. We become parents today! Of a teenager !
My friend is going out of town, so her daughter is staying with us until Sunday.
Suddenly from no children to a teen is a bit scary for me.
I mean will I embarrass her?
Will I know what to do if something dramatic happens?
What if I forget to pick her up?
I mean, forever we have just had each other!
We have watched babies and young children, but not a teenager.

We have known Precious her whole life and love her so I am sure all will go well…
It’s exciting in a way to go to cheer practice with her and be a part of her daily life.
Getting a taste for parenting.

26. Coffee.
I have am able to drop off Precious to school early tomorrow morning. Meaning getting up really early to make sure she is up and ready.
Leaving the house in plenty of time to get in a probably endless line of cars who have all done this before.
My first time dropping off and I don’t know the pattern and routine and timeline. Sure I was given the tips, but it will be early and I will be tired.
So…coffee. I am very thankful for coffee.

But…life is good.
All is well.
I can’t complain.
Look at all I have to be thankful for!


Oh So Versatile


I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award by two very talented bloggers:

Please go support these versatile artists by checking out their posts.

Thank you both!

As you know there are rules.

I don’t always follow these rules, nor do I like the fact that it can make you feel like you have work to do.

But I get it- I do want to share these other very fantastic blogs with you so that you don’t miss a single word or photo.


  • Display the Award Certificate on your website
  • Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
  • Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
  • Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

Seven Things About Me

Hmmmmm. Have we been through this before?

1. I am not a fan of coming up with interesting things about me.

2. I just finished reading J.K. Rowlings grown up book, actually a little disappointed.

It was different but I just didn’t appreciate some of the nitty gritty things I don’t think need to be written. Like about boys growing into manhood (if you get what I’m saying).

Anyway, she always writes in an interesting way that is easy to read. I did have to use the dictionary a few times. Maybe it was too dark for me.

3. I like light reading. Dark gets me depressed and I visualize too much so I would rather envision happy images.

4. I hate being cold.

5. I think writing actual letters and cards is a must.

But they must have a personal message in them, especially in Christmas cards.

6. I never tire of looking at old photos.

7. I am so excited American Idol is back! Can’t wait to watch (recorded version so that I can escape the millions of commercials.)

O.K. Now on to the people I think you just have to go check out!