Fun Fit 5K Plus

Having fun, getting fit, loving life

Traveling Thanks


So I am on a sort of road trip with my gal pal, Tina.
We are on our way to join a mission that is helping in Moore, Oklahoma.
(If you don’t know,
There was a devastating tornado that ripped through the city months ago.)

Tina has done wonders with asking co-workers for donations to bring with us,
(Backpacks, Wal-Mart gift cards, food…)
She is amazing!

I am just doing whatever they ask for,
Truly not near as much work as the people volunteering for longer periods of time.
We will be there just a few days,
But I feel good that I can give some
(Even limited time).
That doesn’t make me a good person,
It’s what I should do.

So…recently I have not been blogging as much as I was and I apologize and will try to do better.

I realize at this point that I probably won’t make the thousand thanks goal,
But I am not stopping…
So here are my more recent thanks-

241. Summertime, 4th of July, Freedom, BBQ- need I say more?!



242. Beautiful flowers- only God could keep these alive.


243. My car- which while I am away is probably being used by my hubby !
(No worries, babe. :). )


244. Menu planning- which since doing has really helped us on our fitness journey!


245. Going out with friends! I have such great support and love in my life!


246. Another great year & more to come!!


247. Our babies ! Poor Coop has torn his ACL & recovering from surgery & poor Coogee is needing attention!



248.Traveling with my hubby who is such a blast to go anywhere with!!


249.. For safe arrivals on long journeys.

250.. For my phone which not only had much needed GPS but a camera to capture whatever catches my eye!



It’s My Birthday!!

ImageIt’s our birthday!

My twin and I are celebrating our day today- from across the globe.

Really she was able to party before me,

since she is in Australia.

It’s never the same for me when we aren’t together.

I always have a moment of sadness on these years.

It just always feels a little off.

Partly, I don’t like the attention all on me since we grew up sharing the spotlight.

Still, we facetime and do our best to share in the day together.

And I have amazing family and friends who are so good about texting and calling 

and showing me they love me!

Brian always making sure he gets me something special and expressing his love- though I must say he is good about that anyway.

(I am a little spoiled.)


Birthdays have always been special for us-

our mom made sure of it,

with streamers and signs and cakes and presents.

Each year remembered with pizazz!

I am very thankful for that kind of upbringing.


Today I am so thankful for all of you in my life!

I am blessed with an over abundance of love!

Baskets full to the brim!

What more could I possibly want??!!


Lessons from the past year,

I hope have brought me closer to God’s truth and to the real reason I am here.

This year I hope to learn even more,

thank God for those lessons that may be hard but teach me to give and love in an 

unselfish and daring way!

Each day I am grateful for any good that I can show others,

 though it’s truly just because I am the vessel God has chosen to use.

I am not perfect and have many cracks and flaws 

but when putting God in first,

I can carry the weight of all things impossible.


So please raise your glasses with me as I toast first my twin and 

giggle partner, as she holds all the things I would like to be, 

she was the first friend I ever had and we share a connection that can’t be torn apart by miles and oceans.

And then I toast a thanks to Brian and my family and friends,

who allow me to be who I am 

and love me all the same!

How special you make me feel!


And to all of you who don’t know me so well,

thank you for reading and following and being a part of my life.

You are in my prayers always!


Well….my goodness I must say above all

praise God.

God is good…all the time!

He is the greatest artist I could ever know and love beyond love.

Until next time…cheers my friends!





5K Plus Thanks Included



I realize I was supposed to post over a week ago, 

but life got busy…

so here we are.

216.  Yolanda and I completed our 5k plus and had a blast!



It was a humid, but still pretty morning.

We hung some balloons and signs along the route for guidance and encouragement and prepared for the 4 mile walk.

We had with us:

Precious, (Yo’s daughter)

Andrew, (my brother) and 

my mom.

Yep.  That was all but it was great!




Along the walk,

we encounter an older gentleman with his dog, Tess.



217.  How sweet to see the excitement in his eyes,  people to converse with. 

They have to go on walks because they recently got a new puppy that is too active for poor Tess.

They enjoy these little walks.

We also ran into a lady on a bike.

She seemed a bit perturbed by something,

could it be us?

218.  I learned that not everyone needs to be happy back to me,

I am grateful for her response to teach me to really see others.

She looked frustrated at the balloons that we were carrying back with us.

She did not say “hello” in response to our greeting and passed us hurriedly.

We then were passed by two ladies,



219.  Their positive light as we spoke briefly about what we were doing,

was a joy!

It was fun to see other friends enjoying their walk.

And then the seemingly angry lady came back by us again,

this time even more annoyed by the balloons.

As she passed, I turned to Yolanda and two balloons got caught on a tree

 and loudly popped.

It sounded like a gun going off.

At that moment we saw the lady on the bike almost fall over!

What a walk!

We still had about 10 balloons left,

and then I caught a glimpse.

A little girl who was pointing at the balloons and smiling.

I ran up the hill and asked if she wanted them.

The father laughed and said “That would be nice! Thanks!”

220.  What pleasure to give a child something that will bring such joy!

As we approached the finish mark,

accomplishment was in the air.

Were we the fastest we had ever been?


But I still felt like it was a successful walk.

221.  At the end of the journey, we wrote what was holding us back from our health goals on the remaining balloons and released these weights into the atmosphere.


And on we move towards new goals or revisited old ones.

And next year,

who knows where we will be when we take on another 5k plus.

After the walk,

I went to visit my sister and brother-in-law in St. Louis where we enjoyed a key lime pie martini at Sub Zero in Central West End.





222. We stayed up too late, as per usual, catching up and discussing future plans.

Even though sleep was lost,

I wouldn’t take a second back.

The next day was a family reunion.



223.  I love people with a good sense of humor!

My cousin’s son is pretending to eat this hamburger cake

(my sis and I found it at Wal-Mart; so cute!)

which was probably a bigger hit than me being at the party.

Rain couldn’t keep us down!



My sister giving my cousin an “underdog” on the giant swing.

(An underdog is when you push someone as high as you can on a swing and then run under them.)

So she didn’t actually push him high enough,

but had fun trying.

224.  Family is family.  Bad, good, blessings, prayers, laughter, tears, anger, hurt, forgiveness and healing.  I thank God for my whole and quite big family!  They have helped shape who I am.



225.  On the drive home, I was able to witness some amazing cloud formations,

all the while not having to drive in any rain.


I attended another art class only to be disappointed at my performance.

226.  But I learned that I need to not give up, fight through the pain and also that what I am feeling  greatly reflects in my work.

Here is a look at this class:



This was the artists work.  What I would strive to achieve.

Impressionistic is not my forte I guess.


I found that part of my problem was I didn’t like the choice of landscape colors.

Another problem was that she didn’t allow us to draw with a pencil but we were to be “free.”


Still feeling o.k. about how I was doing and yet a long way from the end.

I didn’t see the storm approaching.


This is when it hit!

I moved some trees and messed up where I was going with the painting.

I started getting angry and the Kenny G in the background did not help!

I stopped taking pictures, 

left the room for a breather and had to force myself to keep going.

My instinct was to pick up the canvas and chuck it out the window!

I was there til 10:00 (long after the others left) and with credit to our teacher who patiently wanted to help me make the painting “mine.”

Here is the finished product.



I am moving forward,

past this disaster.

The next day I headed back to St. Louis.

227.  I was able to spend some time with Brian’s sister and family.

We spent time talking and eating

and some fantastic time floating in their pool.



Plus a trip to Trader Joe’s,

to pick up a yummy treat (228) !


If you have never tried these dark chocolate covered almonds,

you should.

229.  We had a great time with Brian’s choir group on Saturday night.


We had the outside all set up for our dinner party when the radar showed some good sized storms coming right for us.

So…we packed it all up and brought the party inside.

We had tons of food and lots to drink,

but best of all great company.

230.  Finally, we celebrated Father’s Day with my dad on Sunday morning.

Mom had made this fantastically rich chocolate and cheesecake layered dessert!


Needless to say,

I have had some full weeks and not to slow down,

two more trips to St. Louis this week.

My blessings abound!



Sweet Nothing’s


201. I am so excited to see my poppies!
Bright and crinkled petals bend towards the suns light.
The colors seem almost painted on as they are a shade not often seen in nature.
They were lovely before the rain crept in and they lowered towards the earth.
Perhaps just until the sun comes back to perk them up.

202. For the daycare workers and teachers in Oklahoma who put their lives at risk for the children’s sake.
Any parent that may wonder if your child’s teacher would do the same,
Trust me when I say they would.
These men and women choose to daily do a difficult but rewarding task.
And when they go through education and training,
it may not occur to them that they may be put in such situations where they may be able to physically save a child.
But they do and would and will.
Thank God for them.

203. For the big hearts of people who adopt pets!


Zoey was in need of a new home or she was going to be brought to the shelter.
I couldn’t see that happen.
Brian and I didn’t think we could handle 3, mainly because we didn’t want to disrupt our pack that is a pretty smooth machine most days.

So my brother’s mother-in-law adopted her. Dyanne & Gary have great big hearts and rescue often with the intent to find homes but end up falling in love.
Thus, they have a large and beautiful pack!

Zoey is doing well and playing a lot with her new brothers and sisters.

Brian and I love Zoey and were actually heart broken to give her away.
The dogs got along with her but Cooper seemed a bit upset that she was taking his cuddle spots.
We just didn’t want to risk his behavior changing back to when we first rescued him.

Still…she is this fantastic dog and now in a great home!

If you have any doubt about adopting ,
I have seen that most dogs are so ready to love and be loved!

Check out your local shelter,
You could find your own perfect pet!

204. For each new beginning.
I have been struggling with food issues and working out.
I do so well and then slide back into bad habits.
But today I have chosen health.

205. For finding reasons to work out.
Saturday I walked a little over 4 miles in just over 56 minutes.
I was working hard the whole time!
I kept thinking,
“I have to beat my last time of 58 minutes.”
Clouds hung low as I began, but I was determined.
As I made my way closer to the 3 mile mark, the thunder exploded.
I prayed that it not pour down til I got back and more importantly that I not get struck by lightening!
I made it with just a few drops having made their way to my head.

Today I chose my favorite Yoga Booty Ballet routine.


It was a great beginning to my day!

206. For funny stories that God knows I get a kick out of.
Friday evening, I look out the window and see a deer along the fence on the side of our yard.
A sight we see pretty regularly,
Yet I am always caught off guard.

I watch in amazement, as I always find them so graceful.
He was eating leaves from the trees all around him almost ferociously,
Which at the time I found kind of funny.

A few hours later I take the dogs out to do their business.
Normally the deer run immediately away.
Cooper and Coogee don’t have the best eyesight and it was getting just dark enough that they didn’t notice him.

Then a rabbit ran in front of Cooper and off he goes chasing it as it slides under the fence and near the deer.
I figured he would run for sure,
But no!
Cooper then spots this large animal and bravely approaches the fence where they smell each others noses.

I am standing in amazement!
No I didn’t grab my camera!
I know!!!

Then the deer head butts the fence and Cooper runs quickly off.
Coogee was watching and is now in mamma mode.
She runs up barking at the deer.
The deer then head butts the fence again and is trying to ram his way in!

I was kind of in
“What do I do? This has never happened before” thinking.

I go closer thinking at any moment he will bolt off.

He makes some growling noises and is clearly not happy with me.
Not in the least is he making any attempt to leave.

I want Coogee to leave him alone and stop barking and honestly he was scaring me!

I thought at any moment he was going to easily leap over the fence (which was very possible) and come after us.
(Ok I know he is just a deer, but have you seen their muscular legs?!)

I bang the bar-be-cue lid and eventually he did turn and leap off into the darkness.
Coogee triumphantly ran back to me,
Proud of her work.

The next several times they went out,
Both were a bit timid.

He returned the next evening but was not so eager to stick around.

This is Coogee barking at the deer.


207. For our riding lawn mower!
Is it strange that it’s one chore that I don’t hate?

208. For The Brick House Deli.


I love their wraps !

209.For flip flop weather!
It’s here! Warm weather is back!
Break out the flip flops that go with everything!

210. For the sweetness of watermelon and strawberries and peaches!
I love my summer fruits !

There is so much sweetness in those little moments and nothings.
Have you noticed?


Grazie Mille


172. A million thanks for bright and fragrant flowers!
I was eager to fill our flower beds this spring.
I could not wait, as they looked dry and devoid of life.
It wasn’t until last week that I heard that you should wait until after Mothers Day to plant.
Oops. Oh well, silly as it may seem I pray for our plants.

I just feel so inadequate as a gardener but I know in the end
I am just a caretaker of Gods beautiful gifts.


173. For my goofy dogs.

Coogee keeps bringing toys outside & then leaves them.
This morning I picked this one up to bring back inside & she tackled it out of my hands.
She didn’t play with it,
But was basically saying “leave it there!”

They keep me laughing and give me so much love.



174. For nice spring weather!
It’s been hit and miss but we have had a few days where we could enjoy our deck, and walk outside,
and mow the lawn,
And smile at the sun.


175. For great food !

Beware some of these you may gain weight just from looking at!

Brian’s vanilla bean cake
And a grape cream-tini

Dixie Cream Donuts

I swear that I could win a donut eating contest.
I have a huge weakness for donuts.


This was the best potato soup I have had.


A St Louis treat, gooey butter cake with caramel sauce and cinnamon ice cream.

176. For views and scenery, that if we look are all sound us.


177. For coffee with my friend, Paula.

A cinnamon roll with orange glaze.

Paula and I talk a lot about faith and seem to always pass hours in what seems like minutes.

178. For my walk this morning.
I was able to reach today’s goal of 4 miles in under an hour.
(58 minutes.)

179. For the encouragement from my friends.

Yolanda and Staci are two of my greatest friends.
Always there with a smile and laugh.
Some days that is just what you need!

180. For my playlists of motivating songs.
These provide the soundtrack to my life and get me moving.

Where would I be without music?
On the couch?

181. For lotion that smells like sweetness.

182. For that really great Gellato commercial.

I love it!
The couple is fighting (in Italian) but reunite over Gellato.

In my heart, I am Italian so I find myself wanting to only hear the Italian and not read the subtitles.
I have to actually use the Totale Brian got for me so that I may converse so poetically in the loveliest language of all.

183. For shoe choices.

Isn’t it great to pick out a different pair of shoes depending on how you feel?

184. For vehicles to take us from one place to another.
We aren’t stuck in one spot, but are free to move and explore.

185. For the US, where we are really blessed to feel freedom over fear.

186. For prayers and the faith that they are heard and answered.

187. For Starbucks always coming up with new coffee treats!
They have a Carmel crunch frap that I will have to try.
A yummy summer fave, the mocha cookie crunch frap is back too.

Some days, need I tell you how much one of these is appreciated?

188. For being able to discuss “The Voice” & “American Idol” with Brian.

What can I say?!
I love to see new talent!

189. For showers, today especially !
After my walk this morning,
came work on the lawn.
Yes. A nice blend of sweat and fresh cut grass.
I smelled great.
So…a shower was gratifying.

190. For a girls get together with my sisters-in-law.
We are going to probably laugh a lot and catch up on life.
Finally, it feels like a long time coming.

fino alla prossima volta…
(Until next time- see it is better in Italian!)

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Better Than My Morning Latte



Today is Brian’s birthday!

I feel it is so important to recognize the beauty and gift that Brian is and has been for not only me, but for all those who know him.

Brian has been this amazing joy,

bright light,

laughter inducer,










peace maker,

game player,

best friend,



cheer leader,

vision sharer,

golf buddy,

movie critic,

loving uncle,

giving soul,

prayerful partner,

and so much more…


To me,

I feel so lucky.

He is mine.

He is better than my morning latte.

(And that says it all.)

Happy Birthday, babe.

I love you…still & always.





Your Official Invitation!


Yolanda & I are hosting our 2nd annual “Fun Fit 5k Plus”

(Please read above for details.)

While it would be lovely for all of you to join us,
I realize that may be near impossible.

So…please feel free to have your own 5k or to challenge yourself on June 8th to get together with a friend or family or both!

It could be shopping (this could justify a new pair of killer shoes while walking around),
Playing a sport,
Walking the dog,
Cleaning the house….

It could be a 5k or 10k or even 1 mile.

Whatever you chose to do,
I ask that it is something you enjoy,
Preferably with a friend.

Getting fit can be fun.
We don’t have to dread work outs.
Yolanda and I want to encourage you to involve those around you with a good attitude and big smile.

On June 8th,
I will post photos & info about our 5k.

In the comment section please add a link to your post with photos & details of your event/activity.
We will be making homemade t-shirts & encourage you to do the same.

This isn’t about the 5k itself,
But about having fun while doing something active.
We want to accomplish our 4 miles ideally in 1 hour, so our goal is set & now it’s about training.

What’s your goal?

We use “Map My Walk” (free app) to track our time, route and distance.
I recommend you try some way of recording your training which will lead up to you meeting your own fitness goals.

We will be spreading the word & hope you will do the same!

You can do it!
Become the person you want to be.
The first step is action.
What’s stopping you?

I will continue to post triumphs & trials along the way.

We can do it!!

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13)


The One Year Mark



It has been one year on WordPress!

Seems like just yesterday when my friend, Yolanda, and I came up with the idea to host our own 5k.

We had just finished a charity 5k and loved getting together for our walks.

We couldn’t end it, so we said,

“Let’s have our own.  It will be free. 

Where it’s really as much about having fun as it is about getting fit.

And where if your challenge is to run, then you run 

but if you just want to walk, walk.

And if you can’t make it to OUR event, 

you can still do it wherever you are and with whomever you wish.

Oh and our challenge is to go more than 5k, so it will be a 5k plus.

And let’s write about it! (Myself with a blog and Yolanda on Facebook.)”

Hence the name of my blog 

“Fun Fit 5k Plus” and Yomicfit is Yolanda and Michelle plus fit.


So tonight we got together to walk that same 5k plus.

It is just over 4 miles long and gives us plenty of time to gab about fitness and our plans.

Here is what we saw along the walk tonight:






Plus, a little boy riding his bike proudly passing mom and dad.

A lady who we met two times on her bike looking very happy and taking all of it in.

A couple both with headphones in walking past us while smiling and saying hello.

And a kitten scurrying under some near by bushes.

It’s nice to know that over a year each walk brings different faces and a whole new world.

Each and every walk.


This past year,

I have loved sharing my life and stories and all the what-nots of me

with you!


Some of you are my friends and family,

showing support or maybe just keeping up with what is going on in my life 

and some of you have become new friends.


I hope that I have grown as a person in the past year.

I know that this blog has become a journal of a sort and a way to share 

God’s love.

I have tried not to make promises with what I will post,

though I must say my “Thousand Thanks” challenge is something I must try very hard to accomplish.

I hope you look back at some of my earlier posts,

you will find a variety of subjects and photos.


I have 200 followers right now,

and it’s not really a concern of mine if I get more.

I just want those people who will connect with what I have to say or 

who may benefit in some way to find and read the information that I feel I must share.


It has been good for me to have a chance to share some of my journey with health and 

my greatest blessings (like Brian and my family and friends).

To publicly (on a small scale) mention how much these people mean to me.


I will continue to post.

And of course some are just nonsense words rambling together.

But I hope at least some of the time I can leave you feeling lighter or 

at least a little bit with the understanding that you are not alone.


We all have our own battles and problems and sometimes overwhelming fears or sadness or doubts,

but we all have each other and we must remember that.


Until the next time,

I leave you with this quote:

“Sometimes you just need that one person who will let you talk and ramble,

listen to you complain and look like an idiot,

but still love you all the same.”  


I don’t have just one, but all of you.

Thank you for loving me all the same.


Lifting Up Tears


This is me on t.v.
I am in the red coat with both hands in the air.
Funny, isn’t it ?

We ( as in the St Louis Cardinals- yes I consider myself a Cardinal),
Had just won the game.

Next on the screen,
I could see Brian and I giving each other high fives.
So adorable.

This was Friday night.
A very cold game.
Our first of the season.
Even with the cold,
We enjoyed our time together.

An ordinary Cardinals home game complete with a visit to Joe Bucks.

Today I wonder,
What would happen if this ordinary event had turned ugly,
Like the Boston Marathon?

What if something that seemed as normal as breathing,
suddenly was shattered by blasts and smoke and screams and sadness?

How much I pray for all of those devastated by loss of life, limb and innocence.

How much I know “ordinary” has been erupted into questions and silence and bewildered thoughts for many.

I thank God for those volunteers and heroes who quickly jumped up to help.
Disregarding their own safety for that of others.

A true vision of selfless love of neighbor.
A beacon of light.
An opening in the clouds.

Today we attended a prayer service.
It was for a woman who passed away from cancer.
She played the piano and sang at our wedding.
She was in the choir with my husband.

She radiated joy!
I knew when she was the one playing in the loft,
Hidden from view.
The music was full of her brightness.

We have a picture of her on our wedding day,
Smile spreading across her face.
Doing what seemed to be her favorite thing,
Playing and singing.

She was love.

I didn’t know her to the extent of her family and friends,
But I knew she was light.

Today her daughter sang
“Amazing Grace” in a clear,
Strong and beautiful voice.

It brought me to tears.
Honestly I wanted to weep.

I am a Christian
And ferociously believe that she is in Heaven.
So why cry?

Is it the shadows of those of whom
we have lost to cancer?
Is it the gift she was that I will miss?
Is it the overwhelming grief that seems to cling to the air?

I have a hard time with visitations and don’t like looking at the empty shell that once housed the soul that is no longer there.
It could be my own difficulties with seeing others grieve or the sadness of good-byes.
I always feel most helpless at that moment.

Maybe God has sent me to share in their pain, if that makes sense.
Maybe I can lift even a little sadness from them so they may feel lighter.

I try to connect with what the Spirit is moving me towards,
This person needs comfort through a hug,
This one through words of peace,
This one through shared tears and silence.

I pray I am always led towards whatever action will help the grieving most.

Today it was prayers.

All of those wise words and quotes don’t always seem appropriate to me.
You know,
The ones people say because they want to help?
The ones I am sure I have uttered when I knew nothing else to say.

(“At least she is no longer suffering.”)
While maybe true,
Some words may not actually help at funerals and visitations.

In times of sadness,
I most often feel those fall short of any actual comfort.

So maybe just maybe when I offer up my tears as prayers,
They arrive as a peaceful breath to the one who needs it most.
A sigh full of warmth.

I do know
our dear light, Susan,
Is no longer in need of my tears.
My thoughts on Heaven are numerous
But I am sure she is at peace and
Her soul is full of the warmth of love.
And I think she must be enjoying the heavenly choir right now.
Maybe playing songs beyond our comprehension or
Maybe just basking in the glorious songs of angels.

For all today who don’t know what to say or do or know how to help,
Yet you feel sadness,
Lift it up.

I don’t believe your tears end up on the floor or your shirt or end in vain.

I believe they take the shape of your love.
Deeply felt by the ones who need it most.


Counting My Blessings


148. I am protected and shielded and guarded by God.

One morning I was walking by myself on the 5k path where my friend and I train every week.

It starts in a very wooded park.

It was dark and I have quite the imagination!

So as I am picturing some creep jumping out at me,
I also see myself fighting as if there is no tomorrow.
He would not want to mess with me!

And then I envision the best help ever-
Two big guardian angels walking behind me.
I mean big!
As in bad!

You know,
Saying “she is a child of God.
Don’t even think about coming close to her!”

I was smiling as I was moving.
They were there.
I just knew it.
How much more secure could I feel?


149. The example and strength of those who go before us help inspire me to be a better “me.”

I read this book about the life of Padre Pio and was uplifted by the amazing heart he had.
This wasn’t that long ago that he led so many to Jesus.

He was born in Italy in 1887 and died in 1968.
From the start he was unlike any other.
Often running from his friends when they said bad words,
He was drawn to the sense of obedience.

He was tormented by the devil as much as he was guided by Jesus.
He is known because he bore the stigmata for much of his life.

Many received miraculous healings in his presence and conversions were often made after speaking with him in the confessional.
There is so much about his story that I didn’t know. The torment he endured from not only demons but from people within the church.

I urge you to read this book that is very well done.
I finished in a couple of days,
As I was drawn into his world.

The most important message I received was obedience to our Father and true love of neighbor.


150. Great fiction, steeped in fact, stimulates my thinking and creativity.

I love the works of Jodi Picoult because of her ability to write about subjects that are challenging.

This book revolved around the holocaust.
Written from the viewpoints of a survivor and a Nazi, this book is cleverly done.

You can tell Jodi does a lot of research as she always includes tons of actual facts.

There were twists and turns to the very end.
I am always left saying,
“No!!! Don’t end there!”
It’s almost torment to finish her stories.

Another great work and very thought provoking.
I didn’t even realize that I was finished reading it at the beginning of Holocaust Remembrance week.

A topic that seems to touch all of us,
I am deeply moved by movies and stories of one of the most tragic times in history.

There are people today in different regions that still have experienced being killed and tortured and cast out of their homes.

Modern day holocausts include Darfur.
Here is information on Darfur.
Genocide in Darfur

I hope you will join me in praying today (and often) for those suffering from these atrocious occurrences.

We are all human.

We are called to love.

The images shown,
Brings me to tears and feelings of helplessness.
And then I remember that shield.
The one that covers me.

I pray Father that you cover and protect your children.
I claim them in your name and pray for their peace and protection.

Let us all picture that covering wing over these most lovely people.


151. Thank God for the beauty I am privileged to touch and smell and see and hear every day.

The freedom that I live in is very appreciated.

I am happy to say these awareness weeks plant seeds of gratefulness in me.

I must not take for granted one free breath,(152.)
Step, (153.)
Peaceful rest,(155.)
Belly full of food,(156.)
Warm home,(157.)
Opportunity. (158.)


So it’s not perfect,
But this is my latest product from my art class.

159.My art teacher, Ann is enthusiastic in encouraging me to keep coming back.

I get lost in time,
As I move over the blank canvas with determination.
“This one will be the best I have done. ”
“I will take my time to get this right. ”

Ann lets us stay and work til we are done.
The 2 hour time frame is always abandoned and I am so grateful!!

160. Zumba is tonight!

I love Zumba because its dance at its most passionate state.
Mostly Latin based,
Hips are moving as fast as our feet!

I am always smiling while we dance and we always sweat like crazy!

Once again I am so amazed at the amount of blessings in my life!
Until next time,
Don’t forget to count your blessings!